Loki got a new toy today! Wow-whee! It's a treat dispensing toy called "Tug a Jug." We used to put some kibble in a water bottle and give that for Loki to play with. The problem with that was he would chew on the plastic; that's not very safe. This toy seems fairly indestructible and sturdy. However, it seems like it's much more difficult for Loki. He's been at it on and off all day and I'm not sure whether he ever got anything out. I hope he doesn't get discouraged.
To make it easier at first, use small treats, even Cheerios and fill it more. As he gets better, bigger and fewer treats.
sweet toy...where'd you find it?
Winnie got this toy as well! She shared it with her cousin Portia and they played tug o war with it all day. So, we no longer have any rope left. I put in the small bites Natural Balance kibble and she stands it up and then pushes it until some kibble falls out. She'll do this over and over until it all falls out of the jug. It's very funny!
I hope Loki loves it as much as Winnie does!
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