Here's a picture of Loki. He's not smiling. He might not be fully lifting his lips, but he's not happy. I've gotten pretty good about reading his body language. Sometimes I'm surprised when other people can't read a dog's body language. So here's an example of a somewhat subtle warning.
Ha ha so funny. He's so cute even when he's angry. What did you do to make him do this expression in front of the camera?
Vi, Loki is very cute when he's angry. I would have a hard time not laughing....
Did you tell him it was time for a bath and a nail trim?
Sukoshi's mom
I can't remember exactly why he was upset. He's a bit unpredictable, which is why it's useful to be able to read his warnings.
i luv this photo! even though he is trying to tell u something.
toodles, tula
haha sully does this all the time when he is playing fetch with stuffed animals. It looks like he is smiling, but its is his "mean teeth" face lol.
Sully and Mikey
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