Xylitol Warning

Almost all dog owners know that dogs can't have chocolate. When we became dog owners, we looked up various lists of what dogs cannot eat. One thing that surprised us was Xylitol. What the heck is that? It is an artificial sweetener often used in chewing gum, and it's very toxic to dogs. So if you are a gum chewer, be careful with where you store your gum. Make sure your dogs can't get to it!

For your reference, click here for ASPCA's list of foods that are dangerous to dogs.


lindsayt said...

I think it's also in toothpaste. It's in mine anyway, which I just noticed. I'm suprised because mine is a "natural" paste.

Ellie & Jasmine said...

Yeah I had a friend who had this problem and her dog almost died. The thing to be most cautious of with this is that when you have guests come over you make sure they dont leave their bags on the ground where a nosy pup could stick their heads in. Thats how my friends dog got the gum.

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