Coming Soon: Hachiko!

I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Hachiko: A Dog's Story. With a US release date of December 18, 2009, it's now less than a month away! The movie is about an akita, but the film makers used shibas to play the puppy version of the akita dog. The official movie website is pretty sparse, and I haven't heard much buzz about it. I'm hoping that the release will be large enough, so that I can find it easily in theaters. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until the DVD release.

Here's the Japanese poster:

Here's the US Trailer:

Based on information from the Shiba List-Serv, I learned that some of the shibas used in the movie are bred from River Wind Shibas and Copperdots.

Edit:  If you are considering adding either an akita or shiba to your family, please do your research. They are not suitable for everyone. According to a poll of over 100 shiba owners, 77% of shiba owners believe that shibas are not good for first-time dog owners. On my blog, I reveal some of the harsher realities of owning Loki and Jujube.

For more information about shibas, please visit The National Shiba Club of America.
For more information about akitas, please visit The National Akita Club of America.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

We named our Shiba Hachiko after this very Akita. :-) I look forward to the movie.

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