Come: Shiba Style

Jujube was out in the backyard yesterday. I called her to come back inside. She promptly responded. She turned around from what she was doing, looked at me, and came trotting towards me. Then when she was about two feet away from the doorway (where I was standing), she looks at me squarely, and then turns around to head back out into the yard. What? She almost comes, but purposely doesn't? I'm being toyed with by a dog! This is worse than being ignored!


Alie said...

oh true shiba style!

My favorite is when I call, my shiba stares at me, takes one step forward and then turns and trots away in the opposite direction!

the spoon said...

My Shiba only comes halfway! Haha! Unless I've got a sliver of cheese...

The Shiba said...

Heck, I am lucky if they even stare at me.

Anonymous said...

My Shiba will look right at me and walk the other way!

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